Unique method to metalize E-waste milled powder

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No, it needs UV light.
Then the CN ion will be freed to do the job.
Ferrous Cyanide is easier, if I remember correct.
These things can be found relatively cheap on Alibaba if you do not find it locally.
Its something new for me, I didn't find any article talking about gold recovery using ferrous cyanide, in Alibaba Sodium Ferrocyanide price about 1.6 USD near from Jinchan agent on price, I think as you said they just mix ferrous/ferri cyanide with NaOH, but anyway none recommended to go for E-waste ash leaching with gold dressing agents, as Kurtak clearly explained, but I will make some tests on Jinchan since its available in my country and I already have potassium ferricyanide and I have about 1,000 Kg of copper partially plated coax connectors, there is no way for me to go with other process to recover the plated gold from those connectors.
This is in Mindanao, Philippines. They are processing gold ore concentrates. The charcoal method is kind of a roasting process before the smelting. That white substance is borax and also silver chloride. They even added diesel fuel in the mixture..
They also use same method with E-waste, and E-waste don't need roasting, roasting is under smelting temperature but with charcoal they reach to copper melting point.
Their website:


In Africa they are well know, most of the gold mining market share is for them, today I contacted them and mentioned the following:

In the recycling industry, one of our major clients is USS from Russia

Our regular products have an active ingredient of 30%, and electronic recycling requires 35% "
Yes, this thing is popular in Russia.
it is called "cicada" or "Jackie Chan" (after the actor's name).
There are also uses for video affiners and I read on the forum from trustworthy people.
successfully used.
mainly for removing gold plating from mobile communication boards, poor connectors, etc.
It is likely that it is also used in industrial refining.
Stripping agents are effective for low-grade waste, even these knock-off´s of Eco-Goldex, which I believe was the first one. Chemistry behind it is somewhat mysetrious till this day, since some guys working in reputable mining labs here tried to uncover if there is active cyanide somewhat liberated or not - since in my country, cyanide mining is strictly forbidden, and they wanted to use it on large scale operation. And conclusion was - in any point of the reaction (they were stripping ore concentrates from flotation unit) there wasn´t titrable cyanide.

I don´t know if this is better in toxicity comparison with other methods like AR, nitric or other strippers... One thing that is clear - you don´t dissolve the base metal. And that is very big advantage.

It would be nice to know what is in the mixture tho. With Eco-Goldex, there was always a ton of insoluble particulate matter which you need to dispose... And it is hard to properly dispose something if you don´t know what it is. Because I do not completely trust the label on these things - eco-friendly, non-toxic... That seems like an inflated claim :D