I lost 7g of gold

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"If you hate it so much here, why do you keep coming?"

Thank you Dave for saying what many are thinking. :roll:
I come here to learn. Seems this thread has turned into a spat between members who have had not contact with one another outside the internet. Please take your personal disagreements elsewhere. It makes the forum look like a kindergarten playground fight.

Time for coffee.

Edit: Now that Frugalrefiner has moved most of the thread to Debates and Discussions, my post above is pretty much meaningless. If a moderator wishes to delete my post, in its entirety, to present continuity in this now moved thread, feel free.
Can you guys stop this now!

These brawls muddles this thread for the future, one of the reasons I worded for a "fight club" in an earlier brawl.
There are much to be said about much sometimes, and disagrements tends to to bubble up and explode whenever the stress level get too high.

When that is said, from my viewpoint, there aren't many innocents contributors in this "fights" so I urge everyone to go find a mirror and take a looong look and recognize that one of the culprits is looking back at you.
We are mere humans after all, even the moderators.

I really don't know when and how theese fights began but it is way overdue to bury the hatchet (DEEP).

You have an at times ungrateful job, but I get a bit disappointed whenever you participate in these mud fights, besides defending yourselves it should not be neccessary.
You guys are the beacons we use for navigating this excellent forum and we need you as exactly that.

Sorry for a late and long comment, I sometimes need to work with my language to get things right.

Edited for typing error in red
FrugalRefiner said:
That was almost six years ago! You really carry a grudge.

I contributed to that as well, and I don't regret it for a second. It was an act of kindness for a friend.

I'm sure if Kurt has a problem with his contribution, he can speak for himself.

If you hate it so much here, why do you keep coming?


WOW, WOW, WOW - not sure what is going on here (have not read the whole thread - yet) but we need to back up the truck here

First of all Jon - Geo is the one that "led" the effort to help butcher - (Geo brought it up & started it) - I then jumped in to promote/push it - including my own donation

Jon - I did not help butcher out because of how much gold he may have had - or not had buried in the ground

I helped butcher out because I VERY MUCH consider him a TRUE friend - just like I have spent time in your house - I have spent time in butchers house - & in both case's I went "out of my way" to do so - because I consider BOTH of you as TRUE friends

Why? --- because BOTH of you are (in part) responsible for what I know about refining - with out that help - from friends - I would not know what I know

Concerning the buried gold (that butcher may - or may not have had - "at that time") is not relevant

At that time - butcher was going through some VERY hard times --- he was ABOUT to loose EVERYTHING

If my contribution kept butcher from "having" to dig up his gold - in order to survive the hard times he was going through at that time - then it was money "well spent" --- because butcher is MY FRIEND :!:

Edit to add; - Butcher does not owe me a dime !

In my own life - there have been more times then I care to mention - that FRIENDS of mine have helped me out when I was "about" to loose everything --- they did not tell me --- "well Kurt - I understand you are "about" to loose everything - but you still have a truck, chain saws, guns, tools (expensive tools like a "complete" wood working shop) so until you sell all that - & have lost everything - I can't help you out"

No - my "true friends" helped me BEFORE I lost it all so I wouldn't loose it all --- Thank God for true friends (they are few) --- most people will "take" advantage of you - buy your stuff for dimes on the dollar & there by help you loose it all - FRIENDS don't do that --- true friends help in keeping you from loosing everything -because in you - they see more value - then the money your (remaining) stuff is worth - so helping you keep what remains has more value then standing by & watching you loose it ALL

Such is the case of my GOOD friend butcher - if my SMALL donation kept him from digging up his gold - which was nearing the last of what he had left at the time - it was money well spent

Jon - as your TRUE friend I have to say this - & as I said - I have been in your house - you have been VERY successful in this business (of refining) you joined this forum about the same time I joined --- like me - when you first joined you knew little to nothing about refining - it has been the help of this forum - including the help of butcher, Dave & Harold that has helped you to achieve that success - and don't forget my own help - I went WAY out on a limb for you - or you would not even be here any longer

Edit to add; - Jon - I spent HOURS writing PMs & phone calls with the mods in order for you to be allowed back on the forum - should I now send you a bill for that time ? --- No - I did it because I consider you a friend & I felt that - even with your own short comings - you had/have something to contribute to this forum

As your friend I consider my time well spent & you don't owe me a dime (end edit)

In your success Jon - have you forgotten all the help you have received to achieve that success :?:

And for what it is worth - I HIGHLY recommend that "everyone" read Hokes book - Hokes book my not be the answer to "all" things refining - but it "most certainly" gives you the foundation to get "well on your way" & after that everything else discussed (new methods etc.) falls easier into place --- many question we see asked would not need to be asked - if more new members read Hokes in the first place :!:

Once again, we have a thread that went off the rails and became a distraction to the purpose of this forum. If anyone wants to add any useful advice to the OP's questions, they can do so in the original thread, I lost 7g of gold, in the Chemical Processes section of the forum.

Perhaps its a sign of the stress that so many of us are under in a world turned upside down by the coronavirus pandemic. We should all try to remember that we are all in this together.

I myself was unable to respond to a question posed to me in this thread because we suffered a bit of a problem a week or so ago and my time on the forum has been limited. We had some severe weather in our area, with a tornado touching down about six miles from our home. They say close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and atomic bombs. It also counts with tornadoes. We are all fine, and I've managed to patch the damage to our roof until we can have more extensive repairs done. Butcher answered the question that was directed at me, but the thread went downhill from there.

I know there are those who would say this should all just be deleted, but I've never found that to solve anything. Feelings get hurt, and that doesn't change just because a few posts get deleted. It just bubbles back up again in the future. So I leave these threads intact when I can so people can speak their piece and hopefully get it out of their systems.

I hope we're all done now and we can get back to helping each other refine again.

Cant we all just get along....

And by the way I am reading hojes book I just got a headache so I decided to tool around a bit