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The 420 Kid

Well-known member
Dec 23, 2023
Somebody please help me I keep trying to freaking get my gold processed I try to take it in to get XRF to guys that he only had a jewelry machine it's being stolen from me left and right I'm about to have nothing left please somebody help me refine what I have
Somebody please help me I keep trying to freaking get my gold processed I try to take it in to get XRF to guys that he only had a jewelry machine it's being stolen from me left and right I'm about to have nothing left please somebody help me refine what I have
Like this my copper ore
Somebody please help me I keep trying to freaking get my gold processed I try to take it in to get XRF to guys that he only had a jewelry machine it's being stolen from me left and right I'm about to have nothing left please somebody help me refine what I have
This very first answer still is the best you can get imo:
Crush it to a fine powder and pan out the heavier material to concentrate it. Then melt the concentrate. It is very rare to pick up rocks and have them melt able as is. The possible exception is placer nuggets.
Protect your property to prevent it from getting stolen.

For the rest, we're running around in circles. you say you have ore, we said how to proceed, and that's all the help we can provide, really.

Your lighting has improved slighlty, but pictures are still too blurry, and even if it was sharp, pictures are not good for determining rocks and ore.

Are you able to crush and pan this ore? A hammer and a dolly pot will do fine for sampling. Then you have something that could be XRF'd to get an indication. But jewelers xrf do not contain exotic elements in the database, so it can show elements that are not there.

An assay is the best option, you should send in a representative sample of the ore body.
Here you say copper ore, earlier you said electrum. is this some other ore?
Unless you do have an assay in hand which say what is in there, then those "other people" may not be stealing your gold but your dreams.

This is in no way putting you down or something but there were tons of people here who thought they do have some treasure and some of them had it XRF'ed too but sadly that machine while good for some things may not be the best bet determining composition of rocks or ore.
This very first answer still is the best you can get imo:

Protect your property to prevent it from getting stolen.

For the rest, we're running around in circles. you say you have ore, we said how to proceed, and that's all the help we can provide, really.

Your lighting has improved slighlty, but pictures are still too blurry, and even if it was sharp, pictures are not good for determining rocks and ore.

Are you able to crush and pan this ore? A hammer and a dolly pot will do fine for sampling. Then you have something that could be XRF'd to get an indication. But jewelers xrf do not contain exotic elements in the database, so it can show elements that are not there.

An assay is the best option, you should send in a representative sample of the ore body.
Here you say copper ore, earlier you said electrum. is this some other ore?
Yes I have crushed it I have a huge bowl of crushed ore. If you look at it put a little water on top and roll around there's so much damn gold in it it's ridiculous. However I don't even own a gold pan and I've tried panning it with a little round metal bowl I got and it doesn't work. I'm obviously not smart enough to do this and like I said in another post I just posted I am willing to offer somebody a quarter ounce of gold to come help me process what I have before it's all gone. I know everyone thinks I'm crazy I'm telling you if somebody would just stop by for 5 seconds and I bring that bowl out to him they will be as excited as I am. I live in Arlington Washington I've thought about going up to Bellingham to see Jason at Mount Baker mining but have not been able to contact him. It would take me a two and a half hour bus ride and a 30-minute walk just to make it there and without talking to him to make sure he'll be there I can't afford to waste the trip. So again I say if anyone is in near or around Arlington Washington and is willing to help me for a quarter ounce of gold, I was so greatly appreciated. On top of that I swear to God if somebody from this site helps me I will donate $100 to the site when I'm done. My word is bond. All the man has in the world this is word.
Yes I have crushed it I have a huge bowl of crushed ore. If you look at it put a little water on top and roll around there's so much damn gold in it it's ridiculous. However I don't even own a gold pan and I've tried panning it with a little round metal bowl I got and it doesn't work. I'm obviously not smart enough to do this and like I said in another post I just posted I am willing to offer somebody a quarter ounce of gold to come help me process what I have before it's all gone. I know everyone thinks I'm crazy I'm telling you if somebody would just stop by for 5 seconds and I bring that bowl out to him they will be as excited as I am. I live in Arlington Washington I've thought about going up to Bellingham to see Jason at Mount Baker mining but have not been able to contact him. It would take me a two and a half hour bus ride and a 30-minute walk just to make it there and without talking to him to make sure he'll be there I can't afford to waste the trip. So again I say if anyone is in near or around Arlington Washington and is willing to help me for a quarter ounce of gold, I was so greatly appreciated. On top of that I swear to God if somebody from this site helps me I will donate $100 to the site when I'm done. My word is bond. All the man has in the world this is word.
Fish out a speck or two, then put them on a hard surface and squish with a spoon or similar.
Report back how it looks.
Then there should be no problem panning it.
You do not need a Gold pan to pan it. Any shallow vessel will do.
But it needs to be completely clean.
Ok... I used a needle to test it too it bends doesn't crack and it doesn't start to bend back it stays bent. A lot of the gold is this mustardy crap. I have a lot of flake however when I pan it I still end up with a bunch of sand and gold.
Okay I did that and this is the best I can make it's like a blackish green with gold streaks going through it and splotches
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I'm about to give up on you.
If you can't take a picture of the rocks on a flat surface don't bother.
It need to be in focus and stationary.
We do not need your face or fingers in there.
Pictures not video, end even if we have good pictures it is usually not possible to identify it.
Get it assayed is the only thing that counts.
We gave you links to the books so you can do it yourself.

Pan the crushed material in flat vessel of kinds hubcap, deep plate or what ever.
If there is Gold you will find it, if it floats away it might be mica.
You need to sort your priorities. You don't own a gold pan, but you can make a two hour busdrive to jason? Get some tweezers and pick out more stuff that does not crack under a spoon, but does bend. Because you managed to get those pieces out to test? Keep up the good work! You'll get there!
In the time you wrote these questions you could have gotten all microscopic flour gold from your concentrates.
From that gold, buy a pan. With that pan, learn how to pan and concentrate your crushed ore. Go for the bulk first and store the tailings for later when you're a pro.
Sell more gold and use that profit to send some ore to get assayed.
Now you're getting somewhere!
Taking 'pictures' of a hand and a face is just not even worth looking at. Stop doing that please. Even a perfect picture of endless pixels and sharpness will not tell anything about what's in the rock. You're wasting your time and ours.

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